Want to Contribute?

The following funds are presently available for donations:

Charitable Tax Receipts are provided for donations of $20 or more and only when the donor's name and address are provided in full. 

Freedom To Achieve Fund:

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The Freedom To Achieve Fund strives to help students identified as in-need whether it be for shoes, food or swimming lessons.  A gift to this fund will give students opportunities which they would not ordinarily have. For more information on this fund please visit "Our Funds".


School Funds:

Donations received will be utilized to provide resources within the schools and to assist with the costs of school activities. Each school operated by the UGDSB has a fund set up in its name and donors may direct their contribution to a specific school or schools. For more information on this fund please visit "programs". 

UGLF Donation Form

Scholarship Funds:

A) UGLF Scholarship - Please see the requirements and application form below.

UGLF Scholarship Application Form

B) Individual or Corporate Scholarship

The Foundation can be used to establish scholarship and award funds to ensure that resources are available for the continuing education and training of deserving students. These funds can be either specific to individual schools or system-wide. 



Make A Difference – Donate!

It's easy! Make your donation online or by mail.

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Awards are similar to scholarships but funds are submitted to the Foundation, usually on an annual basis, to be presented at commencements, graduations or other occasions.  The Foundation issues cheques to recipients and provides tax receipts to the donors.  The Foundation considers these awards to be School Funds and processes these without costs to the donor or school. 

Endowment Fund:

The Foundation is prepared to set up endowment funds for long term support of schools or programmes. These may be named in honour of, or in memory of, specific individuals, companies or organizations. Please contact the Foundation for more information. 

(A 5% administrative fee is applied to new contributions to this fund to support the operation of the Upper Grand Learning Foundation)



Gifts in Kind:

UGLF welcomes in-kind donations, subject to strict guidelines. We are able to accept on behalf of schools, donations of equipment, supplies and other materials which have an educational value.

A contribution of service, that is, of time, skills or effort, is not property and therefore does not qualify as a gift or a gift-in-kind for the purposes of issuing official donation receipts.

To donate gifts-in-kind, contributors need to forward a letter of intent to UGLF that states what the donation consists of, what the educational value is, and the intended recipient.

In addition, the school for which the in-kind gift is intended must forward a letter of intent to accept the gift to UGLF. Gifts-in-kind must meet any guidelines as may be established by UGDSB.

To qualify for a tax receipt, a gift-in-kind MUST be accompanied by a WRITTEN APPRAISAL of value by an INDEPENDENT reliable source that is competent, qualified to carry out the evaluation, and at “arms-length” from the donor. This appraisal must appear on the evaluator’s letterhead. Any costs incurred for the appraisal are the responsibility of either the donor or the site to which the gift is being donated.