Freedom to Achieve
The Freedom To Achieve Fund provides underprivileged students with learning experiences outside of the classroom and basic needs to enable their learning. A gift to this priority may provide students with:
Opportunities to develop artistic and technological skills
Basic necessities such as clothes and food
Swimming Lessons
Eye Glasses
Experiences at camp
Involvement in sports
The Freedom to Achieve Fund gives students opportunities they would not ordinarily have. Experiences that fully engage students in their learning, enhance their desire to learn and help them reach their full potential. With your help, we can ensure that each child is successful.
How Freeom to Achieve Supports Students & Community
Imagine a child who does not receive a daily breakfast or adequate lunch; a child who walks to school without a backpack, proper footwear or even a warm coat. Imagine a child who does not have books in their home or learning and social experiences like organized sports, camp trips, zoo visits or swimming lessons.
This child faces obstacles to becoming a successful community member. Research shows that children are more successful when they come to school after a nutritious breakfast, with the resources they need to learn and positive experiences outside the classroom. Without these necessities, children are at a greater risk of not completing secondary school and of becoming dependent on social assistance programs.
How you can Help through Freedom to Achieve!
These children are a priority. The Upper Grand District School Board provides specialized academic support for these students, healthy food options during breakfast and lunch time and an Equity of Access Fund to provide some of the child's basic necessities like boots or a coat. This fund enables Principals to request support for children who do not have the same opportunities as their classmates. In reality, the need is much greater than the available funds. For that reason the Freedom to Achieve Fund was created to ensure these children receive basic necessities and learning experiences outside the school so they can reach their full potential. These efforts can only succeed with your donation.
Charitable Tax Receipts are provided for donations of $20 or more, and only when the donor's name and address are provided in full.
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Toonie Tuesday
Twice a year (November and May) students in the Upper Grand District School Board raise money for students through Freedom to Achieve. Ask your school about starting a Toonie Tuesday campaign.
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Playground Fundraising Assistance Application
The Upper Grand Learning Foundation may be able to provide up to $5000 to successful school applicants towards building a playground. Schools wishing to apply should be specific about their commitment to build a playground. This includes demonstrating the knowledge, planning and current fundraising activities that will lead to a successful playground project. Please submit your completed application form, signed by the school Principal, to the Upper Grand Learning Foundation.
Eligibility requirements:
• School Council/School must demonstrate its fundraising efforts for the playground and must be close to meeting its fundraising goal (within $5000)
• School and School Council have agreed upon a plan for the playground
• School Council has sourced quotes from reputable companies for the playground and installation
• Principal has signed the application form
Note: A 5% administration fee will be charged on donations to the fund to support the operation of the Upper Grand Learning Foundation
Charitable Tax Receipts are provided for donations of $20 or more, and only when the donor's name and address are provided in full.